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Crying is not the sound of sadness. Crying is the sound of healing.

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About LTS

Laughter, Tears and Silence is a method based on the work of the Indian Mystic Osho, who originally discovered the power of sustained, genuine, laughter as a gateway to access un-healed hurt and trauma that many of us live with. In 1989, He asked Leela Itzler, the coordinator of his  therapy group centre  (which was at the time the largest growth and therapy centre in the world), to create a twenty-one day retreat. This process became known as ‘The Mystic Rose Meditative Therapy’

In 2011, Leela’s son, Marc Itzler began to assist her running the process all around the world.

Over time, it became apparent to Marc that most people living modern lives, are unable to participate in an event requiring a commitment of over three weeks.

He began experimenting with shorter versions of the method, culminating in this nine-day, non residential event. In this shorter format, each stage lasts for just three days instead of seven, allowing for people who have family and work commitments to also experience the benefits of this unique and life-changing method.

LTS will not change your life, It will change the way you see yourself. Then you will change your own life.

LTS combines the Eastern practice of Meditation with Western methods of trauma and emotional pain release, to create a dynamic, and active therapeutic process.

It harnesses the healing power of the most primal, and natural human responses that we have always used to communicate our needs from birth, long before we begin to form an identity, language, or thoughts. They are, laughing, and crying. 

Laughter, Tears & Silence

Are you experiencing any of the following?

– Trapped and helpless in any area of your life? 

– Suffering from a lack of self worth or confidence to make important decisions?

– Finding it difficult to say no and set healthy boundaries?

– Struggling with addiction or habits that are detrimental to your physical and mental health?

– Feeling unable to express yourself freely, and ask for what you need to thrive?

– Lacking motivation, or experience a sense of hopelessness?

– Feeling that your life has no real purpose or meaning beyond a daily routine?

– Feeling cut off from your sexuality, experiencing self loathing about your body?

– Missing intimacy and connection with partner, family or friends?

– Feeling the need to release sadness, anger and hurt, but feel that you have to be strong and stable for those around you?

Laugh, Tears and Silence - The same process in a new format

It became apparent over time that most people leading modern lives could not attend an event that required a commitment of more than three weeks.

This was when Marc began experimenting with shorter versions of the method, culminating in this nine-day non-residential group, which he now runs with his partner, Florenta Simion, also a trained Meditative Therapy facilitator and psychologist.

In this shorter format, each stage lasts just three days instead of seven, allowing even those with family and work commitments to experience the benefits of this unique and life-transforming method.

Laughter workshop at Afect Festival in Romania.

Permission to be happy, permission to be crazy, permission to be you.

Laughter ~ Tears ~ Silence ~ Laughter ~ Tears ~ Silence


Marc Itzler  is an experienced group facilitator, writer and speaker on all aspects of personal development, inner well-being, and effective communication, In 2012 Marc trained as a facilitator of Meditative Therapies and over the past twelve years, has gone on to qualify as one of only six senior trainers / facilitators in the world.

Florența Simon is a psychologist, individual group psychotherapist in training (psychodrama method), facilitator in meditative  therapies, founder and vice-president of HERA Foundation – for emotional health and initiator of AFECT, the only emotional health festival in Romania.

9 days of Laughter, Tears and Silence




Until November 20



Until January 20



places are limited

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If you need more details, please write to us at:

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    Play Video
    I don’t get so angry anymore. It’s melting away
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    I used to be a very sad person, always worried about tomorrow and the future.
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    Tears Healing is feeling
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    Recovering spontaneity and having a voice

    Latest testimonials

    I lived most of my life in either some form of disconnect or with an impending sense of doom that I later learned was very close to a generalized anxiety disorder. None of which have stopped me from being super productive, “successful” in a societally accepted way and hyperrational. Only later did I find out that my brain and the way I explained and “understood” everything so well was also a coping mechanism that prevented me from feeling unresolved pain and letting life in. And then I started going to therapy. Started meditating, getting more in touch with my body. And finally understood that truer understanding is more of the body and of the emotions. So, when Marc and Florenta spoke about the LTS program to me for the first time, I said “yes” immediately. First of all, because I had the chance to witness them as individuals.

    They were present, actually listened to others, connected with each other and in their own development processes. They were attuned. And then I trusted that whatever came from them, I would be safe and it would have an effect. The part that spoke to me most about LTS was it bypassing the cognitive processes. And, man, did it! It would take me a while to explain what happened, but then again, I am trying not to analyze the life out of the process either. Si I am just sticking with this one example. Some dam broke loose after last week. And during couple’s therapy I had a huge breakthrough, because I finally allowed myself to be vulnerable in a way I hadn’t been before. And I am pretty sure it also came as a consequence of what we worked on together. And this, in turn, helped my partner step into his masculine, protector role in which he doesn’t usually get to be, because it is difficult for me to let anyone take care of me.

    It was the first time when I stepped into my emotions with close to 0 resistance. I knew it would release me. And it did. My true hope is that as many people as possible benefit from this program.

    Thank you, Marc and Flo, for making this happen in Romania!

    Cristiana Lupu

    LTS Romania – Final Thoughts
    I was saying on Saturday, at the end of the retreat, that LTS is like a very successful marriage – we laugh together, we cry together, we allow ourselves to show irritation/anger/pain, we sit in silence together, and we grow together .
    I believe that true healing comes from changing the familiar “fucked-up” patterns into a familiar that includes safety, joy, sadness with support, love, and a lot, a lot of gentleness.
    That’s exactly what I found and absorbed in 9 days at LTS with Florența and Marc.
    I laughed, I cried, I sat in silence, and during this process, I managed to resolve the oldest acute conflict in my life so far. It was literally a lifetime conflict.
    I couldn’t have done this without releasing the emotions generated from the victim within me – “what happened to me, what was done to me, it’s their fault, I feel this way because of what was done to me,” etc. – and I couldn’t release these emotions without the perfect setting created by the two of them.
    Too many Romanians no longer freely access these basic emotions, which remind us that we are alive – the screaming and crying from birth and the laughter shortly after.
    We all need to participate in these kinds of retreats to remind ourselves that we are the creators of our own lives

    Andreea Hrab

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    Râs, Lacrimi și Tăcere este o metodă bazată pe munca misticului indian Osho, care a descoperit inițial puterea râsului susținut, autentic, ca o poartă de acces către durerea și traumele ne-vindecate cu care mulți dintre noi trăim. 

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